February Food Drive / Cash/Check Donations

During COVID, we changed from collecting food and cash/check donations after each Mass on the second full weekend of the month to utilizing a drop off program from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on the second Saturday. While this resulted, for the most part, in greater food donations, our cash and check donations really dropped off. A lot of people prefer to donate by cash or check but now it was no longer convenient.

We would like to change that part, beginning this month, by offering Parishioners the opportunity to make their donations before and after each Mass on the second weekend of the month. We are looking for two volunteers, per Mass on Saturday and Sunday, to collect donations from Parishioners. This would entail standing outside of the entrance with a bucket and taking the donations. There will be a bag for you to deposit the donations in and secure them until they are picked up.

We will continue with the food truck program on the second Saturday.

We would ask that you arrive one-half hour before Mass begins to accept donations and then again after Mass until all the Parishioners are gone.

Sign up below...

4:00PM-4:30PMFebruary 10, 2024#1: Phil Glasser9136631971
#2: Allen Engel2533294174
#3: JD Martin9136369977
7:45AM-8:15AMFebruary 11, 2024#1: Fred Randazzo9132671789
#2: larry mcmillin8162185073
#3: Dennus Walsh913-461-5439
9:30AM - 10:00AMFebruary 11, 2024#1: O Ray Strickland2147634012
#2: Allen Engel2533294174
#3: Terry Frederick9134855591
11:15AM - 11:45AMFebruary 11, 2024#1: Joe Walrod913-205-2550
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#3: (empty) - sign-ups closed
4:30PM - 5:00PMFebruary 11, 2024#1: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#2: (empty) - sign-ups closed
#3: (empty) - sign-ups closed

Print your tickets
